A Clash of Cultures…Carruthers in the Arizona Indian Wars

When the United States acquired the area from Mexico, they inherited a corridor that became nationally prominent as the Southern Overland Mail Road, connecting the eastern U.S. to California. Unfortunately, Apache Pass lay in the heart of Apacheria. Because there was a fairly reliable water source at Apache Springs (at the pass), this location wasContinue reading “A Clash of Cultures…Carruthers in the Arizona Indian Wars”

Garrey Edward Carruthers

Garrey Edward Carruthers (born August 29, 1939) is an American politician and academic who served as the 27th governor of New Mexico and the Chancellor of New Mexico State University. He previously served as special assistant to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture from 1974 to 1975, director of the New Mexico Water Resources Research InstituteContinue reading “Garrey Edward Carruthers”

James Carruthers

  Hall of Fame Class of 1990 Information submitted in a nomination letter to the U.S. National Ski Hall of Fame by Ralph “Doc” DesRoches. Red Carruthers was a true friend of the U.S. National Ski Hall of Fame. With the help of Betsy and Phillip Palmedo, he helped create the Palmedo National Ski LibraryContinue reading “James Carruthers”

Jacob H. Carruthers, Jr.

Professor Jacob Carruthers was born on February 15, 1930 in Dallas, Texas. He was a firm believer that a large part of liberating African American people comes from understanding and connecting history, culture and heritage. He received a B.A. from Samuel Huston College in Austin, Texas in 1950; an M.A. from Texas Southern University inContinue reading “Jacob H. Carruthers, Jr.”

Regional Representation at the St. Andrews Society Highland Games

Springfield, IL Scottish Highland Games Clan Carruthers Society USA Regional Representative, Jeanne Crouthers Abert, joined a large line of Scottish Clans at Springfield Area Highland Games hosted by St. Andrew’s Society of Central Illinois Saturday, May 15, 2021 at the Sangamon County Fairgrounds, New Berlin, IL. She reported that on the day of the event it was a littleContinue reading “Regional Representation at the St. Andrews Society Highland Games”

The History of Highland Settlements of the Cape Fear in the Carolinas

The establishment of the Argyll Colony in the Cape Fear valley of the Carolinas in 1739 was an important event in the history of Scotland and America. It was for some time the largest settlement of Scottish Highlanders anywhere outside of Scotland. Why did people leave their native homes in Scotland for an unknown land?Continue reading “The History of Highland Settlements of the Cape Fear in the Carolinas”

Scottish influence in American Culture: Enlightened Education and Democracy

In the history of America’s birth, the names of James Madison, Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton, Honorable William Findley, along with other founding fathers, are shining stars. Nonetheless, few Americans today would recognize the extraordinary influence on those “fathers” by such men as Adam Smith, Thomas Reid (one of the founders of Common Sense Philosophy),Continue reading “Scottish influence in American Culture: Enlightened Education and Democracy”

The Highlander immigrants who helped build America

The Highlands of Scotland proved to be a natural recruiting ground for emigrants that were to help build North America during the 18th and 19th centuries. The breakdown of Highland society and culture created bleak prospects on home soil for ordinary folk while the revered fighting powers of the clans made their men sought afterContinue reading “The Highlander immigrants who helped build America”

History of the Scots-Irish or Ulster Scot

Scotland Most Ulster Scots were in Scotland before they migrated to Ireland. MOST but not ALL.. We’ll discuss where else they might have been later. But for now, where were they in Scotland and when did they move to Ireland and why? Most of them were in areas of Scotland adjacent to Ireland. The largestContinue reading “History of the Scots-Irish or Ulster Scot”


Scots-Irish, were the dominate ethnic group in the Appalachian South. Their fierce pride, clan structure, and distrust of outsiders became our own, but before they defined our region, they were restless immigrants who, for several centuries, seemed as destined to migrate as they were to breathe. The Scots-Irish were a group of Scots who movedContinue reading “BORN FIGHTING”