Clan Membership

Screen Shot 2021-03-10 at 13.11.10.pngThe Clan Chief Peter Carruthers of Holmains, is the 19th of a Chiefly line that goes back 750 years and beyond, to the West March of the Scottish Borders in Annandale Dumfriesshire. As a heriditary Chief, he holds a seat on the Standing Council of Scottish Chiefs and is recognised as Chief of the Name and Arms of Carruthers by the Lord Lyon King of Arms in Edinburgh, Scotland. 

He has authorised the Clan Carruthers Society USA, a regional representative of Clan Carruthers Society (International), headquartered in Scotland and registered as a 501 (c) 3 organisation, to represent his Clan here in the United States. CCS-USA is a full member of the Council of Scottish Clans and Association (COSCA) 

Membership of the Clan can be found here, which offers a bi annual journal; Promptus et fidelis,discount to Clan Merchandise, membership of your regional Society, in this case CCS-USA amongst other services to include local gatherings.

All Carruthers and derivatives of the name are welcome.

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